Spanish Speaking Peer Recovery Training
Availability: 3 in stock
- Dates: February 18, 20, 21, , 25, 27, March 4, 6, 11, 13 2025
- 40 CES awarded
- Time: 3:30 pm – 8:30 pm EST. 1:30 pm – 6:30 pm MST.
- Location: Virtual by Zoom
- Attendance for each day is required to receive 30 CEs. Must be present and on-screen for this interactive training.
- IC & RC Four Domains Awarded:
- Advocacy – 8.0
- Ethics – 4.0
- Mentoring & Education – 8.75
- Wellness & Recovery – 9.25
- See below for more detailed information and cancellation policy.
Superior Quality Education!
A trusted name in education!
This courses is recognized by:
- Colorado COPA
- CT Certification Board
- Florida Certification Board, Provider No. 5388
- Maryland Certification Board
- NAADAC, Provider (click to learn more)
Our Spanish Peer Recovery Coach Training course helps break barriers and remove health disparities. It is the first fully Spanish-speaking peer recovery coach training in the nation. The course is a five-day learning series with 30 CEs and provides CES in the IC & RC Four Performance Domains. The same standard 30hour course translated and written in Spanish and delivered by Spanish-speaking trainers.
This course has been groundbreaking in:
- Colorado through Embark PCA
- Colorado DOC
- Puerto Rico and Florida Recovery Training Academy – the first ever Peer Training for SUD in PR
- Valley Settlement, Vail, Colorado
Here’s what people are saying:
“Quiero dejar por escrito el agradecimiento tan grande que siento por el recovery coach training.
Ha sido realmente un crecimiento importante en mi vida, comprendí, entendí y aprendí cómo poder ayudar a una persona en los momentos donde más lo necesitan.
Guiada por un entrenador que nos dedicó el tiempo y la sabiduría adquirida con sus años de experiencia en el campo. Es mi intención poner en práctica lo más pronto posible este entrenamiento enriquecedor. Muchas gracias por buscar el crecimiento de algo tan significativo en español. Una bonita experiencia que recomiendo al cien por ciento.
– Monica Cortes
“I want to leave in writing the great gratitude that I feel for the recovery coach training. It has really been an important growth in my life, I understood, understood and learned how to help a person in the moments when they need it most.
Guided by a coach who gave us the time and wisdom gained from his years of experience in the field. It is my intention to put this enriching training into practice as soon as possible. Thank you very much for seeking the growth of something so significant in Spanish.A beautiful experience that I recommend one hundred Percent.
– Monica Cortes
Description of the Presentation: This training is designed for individuals looking to begin their journey as a peer recovery support specialist or peer recovery coach in the substance use field; or for those who are looking to learn how to better engage with those suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Participants will gain a strong foundation of the roles of a peer recovery coach and understand how the roles are different from other traditional and existing support methods. Participants will be introduced to the concepts and skills involved in effective recovery coaching, preparing them for professional roles to serve their communities as advocates.
Goals & Objectives:
- Gain a foundational understanding of addiction and the brain.
- Understand common behaviors of addiction.
- Learn foundational skills of active listening and motivational interviewing.
- Learn and clarify the roles of a recovery coach and understand staying in lane.
- Gain an understanding of what recovery is.
- Gain an understanding of stages of change and stages of recovery.
- Gain an understanding of harm reduction.
- Learn how to discuss reuse prevention plans.
- Understand the importance of SMART Goals setting with recoverees.
- Understand solution-focused engagement.
- Learn about the importance of self-care, compassion fatigue, and burnout.
Please contact us to schedule a training course for your community.
Choices is greatful for the tireless efforts from:
- Alex Fidalgo
- Daisy Hernandez
- Dr. Sylvia Gines
For their relentless advocacy and translation of the material to serve their communities.